Seminar in Syntactic Theory: The Syntax of Long Distance Dependencies
Fall 2013

Topic I  ECP: Adjuncts vs. Arguments
Readings for Sept. 9-16:
Lasnik and Saito (1984) “On the Nature of Proper Government” esp. Sections 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, and particularly 4 [This is all summarized in Lasnik and Uriagereka 1988 A Course in GB Syntax Sections 4.3-4.5]; Barriers Chapters 4-5; Lasnik and Saito Move α Chapters 1.4 and 2; Rizzi (1990) Relativized Minimality Chapter1. [Also see Barriers Ch. 11 for the possibility of eliminting lexical government from the ECP.]
Readings for Sept. 23: Cinque (1990) Types of A’ Dependencies Chapters 1 and 3; Lasnik and Saito Move α Chapter 5.1.
Topic II  Parasitic Gaps
Readings for Sept. 30: Cinque (1990) Types of A’ Dependencies Chapters 3; Concepts and Consequences Chapters 3 and 4 (and, if you like, a summary of it in Lasnik and Uriagereka 1988 A Course in GB Syntax Sections 3.1-3.2); Barriers Chapter 10; Lasnik and Saito Move α Chapters 3.4.1,, 5.1.1
Readings for Oct. 7: Continue with the above stuff, especially the Cinque and Move α discussions of NP vs. PP, arguments vs. non-arguments, etc. for locality and for parasitic gaps.
Readings for Oct. 14: Finish Cinque; Nunes Ch.3 pp.87-116.
Readings for Oct. 21: Finish Cinque Ch. 2. Begin ...
Topic III Tough Movement
Lasnik and Fiengo 1974 "Complement object deletion"; Chomsky 1977 "On Wh-Movement" esp. pp.86, 100-110; LGB pp.204-205, 308-314; Knowledge of Language pp.109-114
Readings for Oct. 28: Hicks (2009) “Tough-Constructions and their Derivation”; Hartman 2009 “Intervention in Tough-Constructions”; Fleisher (2013) “On the Absence of Scope Reconstruction in Tough-Subject A-Chains
Readings for Nov. 4: Continue Oct. 28 readings
Readings for Nov. 11: Finish Oct. 28 readings and
Topic IV Resumptive Pronouns
Readings for
Nov. 11: Start Demirdache thesis
Readings for Nov. 18: Demirdache thesis Chapters 1 and 2;   3 Chapters from Resumptive Pronous at the Interfaces: Rouveret, McCloskey, Doron; Aoun, Hornstein, Choueiri
Readings for Nov. 25: Continue Nov. 18 readings and add Aoun and Choueiri; Demirdache and Percus; Guilliot and Malkawi
Readings for Dec. 2: Continue Nov. 18-25 readings.[And here's my 1989 paper discussing the behavior of epithets.]

Meeting time:

Monday 3:00-6:00
1108B MMH

Norbert Hornstein and Howard Lasnik, instructors

Course description

The aim of the course is to review earlier fairly successful GB analyses that have not, in our view, been successfully assimilated within the Minimalist Program (MP).  Our primary empirical focus will be on non-local dependencies, especially of the A’-variety.  These kinds of dependencies were well studied in later GB and but have received far less attention within current MP analyses. The topics we will cover include:

We will read some of the classic, and recent, literature on these topics and explore some new directions. Students will do a class presentation on one of the readings and write a term paper.